Surface Protection Tapes   


Surface Protection Tapes
Item No
Product Name
品 名
Product Description
Size Qty Enquiry
YWT-300S PE Protection Tape / PE保护胶带 0.06 300 Surface protection of aluminium parts, nameplates, etc to prevent scratch during tarnsportation & fabrication. Colours: clear transparent, transparent blue & white. Other thickness also available Enquiry
YWT-1000H PE Protection Tape / PE保护胶带 0.065 400 Surface protection of aluminium parts, nameplates, etc to prevent scratch during tarnsportation & fabrication. Colours: clear transparent, transparent blue & white. Other thickness also available Enquiry
YWT-061 PE Protection Tape / PE保护胶带 0.1 1000 Opaque black/white in colours. For stainless steel surface protection. Enquiry
YWT-059 PVC Protection Tape / PVC保护胶带 0.115 100 Transparent blue in colour. Low tack. Good for metal surface protection. Enquiry
YWT-056 PVC Protection Tape / PVC保护胶带 0.115 200 Excellent for protection of metal & aluminium surfaces during transportation and processing. Enquiry
YWT-060 PVC Protection Tape / PVC保护胶带 0.115 150 White in colours. Low tack. Good for metal surface protection. Enquiry
YWT-0022 EVA Protection Tape /EVA保护胶带 0.06 40 Special treatment on EVA film. Low tack. Good for glossy surface protection. Enquiry

Surface Protection Tapes Supplier in Singapore, Australia, UK, Dubai, Canada and Philippines

Surface Protection Tapes